Avyakt BapDada 19th June 1970

The children of the trimurti father are also trimurti. Have you had a vision of the three types of light? Do you realise that others have visions of light through you? One is the vision of light through your eyes, as though there is an illuminated bulb in each eye. The second is the light on the forehead. The third is the crown of light on your head. Anyone who comes in front of you should see these eyes as bulbs. They should see only light everywhere, just as real diamonds sparkle in the darkness. Just as a searchlight projects its beam a very long way with a lot of force, in the same way people will have a vision of the light on the forehead. And you already understand about the crown of light on the head. When others have a vision of the trimurti light from each of you then it will be said that you are angels.

The vision of the eyes, forehead, and the crown on the head will be very clear even in the corporeal form. Whilst looking at your eyes, people will see only light. Looking at your light, others will become light. Their heaviness will lift. When people come in front of you, they will see nothing but light. You have to become like this.

Madhuban will become a lighthouse. Just as you see nothing but light in the subtle region, in the same way the corporeal world will become a lighthouse. When you become living lighthouses, then Madhuban will become a lighthouse.

This is the last subject in the practical course. The theoretical course has now finished.

Put a brake on your thoughts. Whatever you do, once it is done and whatever the result was, you should have no more thoughts about it. You have completely surrendered it to Baba, so it is no longer your responsibility.

Keeping the avyakt form in front of you, try this out and see for yourself. The more someone becomes co-operative with you, the more co-operation you should give to them. Give them good wishes and pure and positive thoughts. They receive a lot of help through that. The more subtle you become, the more this subtle service will increase. The subtle creates a lasting impact very quickly, when combined with the corporeal. BapDada is constantly giving special co-operation. You will experience extra help. Achcha.

Do children have as much imperishable love for BapDada as BapDada has for the children? This love is the thread which ties a bond for twenty-one births, a bond of unbroken love. The stronger the thread is the longer it will last. Each thought and action of this confluence age accumulates in the bank for twenty-one births. Not a single thought should be wasted. Achcha.

It is remembered that the world was created through vision. When there is the vision of brotherhood, then the world changes. When you see the soul, it is only then that you see this world as an old world. Worldly vision changes into spiritual vision. Then you just see spirits in the entire world. Do you have this naturally spiritual vision? At the moment it is maintained only temporarily, but you have to practice to maintain it constantly. By changing your vision, your virtues and actions change automatically. Create the world with spiritual vision. The detached observer gives sweetness.

You have to be easy and light in your relationships with others, easy in your sanskars, and easy in the give and take of co-operation. Remain easy in every aspect. The easier you remain, the more you attain.

Only after you have become perfect will you have to bring the body to an end. When you are easy, you will be able to bring your body to an end according to your own will. Achcha.

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